Pro bono Practice
- 9th Floor - Trust Towers, Plot 4 Kyadondo Road, Nakasero P.O.Box 75577, Kampala, Uganda

Pro Bono Practice
We have expanded traditional law firm pro bono services from the pursuit of justice for the poor to the pursuit of impactful and collaborative interventions that can gainfully and sustainably create change in our societies. TASLAF’s pro-bono arm focuses on small businesses and start-ups, particularly on social enterprises. The major goal is to empower those qualifying entities and individuals to enable them to create and enhance social impact in their local communities.
Legal services are expensive and are not easy to access especially in rural areas. In many instances where there is legal aid, the target has been to offer it to the most vulnerable and indigent members of society whose rights are being abused. Much of this legal aid does not target the entrepreneurial spirit of many African social enterprises. As a result, many entities are blocked out of access to legal services and have no assistance in protecting themselves against conflict and anticipating commercial dispute resolution. We assist such businesses to structure properly and also to ensure that they are well aware of the alternative remedies to dispute resolution in addition to the available legal options for court litigation, in case of any issue arising out of their business ventures.
TASLAF has conducted a myriad of pro bono projects with partners such as;
Pro Bono Partnerships / Collaborations
Thomson Reuters
We currently offer pro-bono legal advisory services to international and local small, growing, and medium social businesses through our partnership with Trust Law, the biggest pro-bono legal program in the world, run by the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Our work with Trust Law has led us to assist various high impact non-profits and social enterprises
Sidley Austin
LLP Africa- Asia Agriculture Enterprise Pro Bono Program
Through our partnership with Sidley Austin, TASLAF has offered pro bono legal support in the Africa-Asia Agricultural Enterprise Pro Bono Program launched in 2012 by Sidley Austin, to provide free legal support to small and medium sized agricultural-related enterprises and development non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Africa and Asia. The Program aims to impact and benefit the small, poor farmers and farm workers, particularly women, who labor at the bottom of the food chain.
Chapter Four
TASLAF in partnership with CHAPTER FOUR Uganda has promoted the localization agenda through provision of pro bono legal advisory services to Local Non-profit/non-governmental organizations
We frequently partner with business accelerators and incubators that support and prop up entrepreneurship. We are currently in an MOU with Sinapis Group to provide Pro Bono Legal support to their entrepreneurs under the Fast Track Accelerator Program
We have also had previous partnerships with;
Open Capital Advisors (OCA),
Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE),
Oxfam International,
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).