Harriet Okwi

Harriet Okwi

Consultant - Oil & Gas

Prior to TASLAF, Harriet worked as a Senior Consultant and Business Development Lead at IHS Global in Paris. During her ten-year career, Harriet has executed several consulting projects assisting corporates and government institutions to strategize and invest in the African power, oil and gas sectors.

Harriet has managed and coordinated energy research on 50 African markets covering; political and economic context, energy policy and regulation, power and petroleum product price structures, petroleum product supply and demand forecasting, energy sector infrastructure and the competitive landscape.

Harriet has drafted and delivered numerous client briefings and conference presentations on key trends in African oil and gas and power markets.

Harriet holds an MBA from the University of Oxford, a Master’s degree in International Affairs from Sciences Po Paris.


Uganda, Local Content Development:

The Client sought concrete strategies to raise the capacity of potential Ugandan suppliers (SMEs) to render them competitive and able to meet the standards and requirements of upstream oil and gas buyers. The project involved a review of Uganda’s national content concept and approach as well as current thought leadership and best practice on the subject. The project further involved an examination of Ugandan supplier capacity and constraints to supplying goods and services to Ugandan upstream sector. We suggested actionable recommendations under the following pillars:

Algeria, Economic Fiscal Modelling:

The Client sought to understand the Algerian Concession and Production Sharing fiscal regimes, specifically the level of impact of various fiscal items on investor KPIs: NPV, IRR and Payback Period. The Client sought a flexible model with provisions to enable re-use for alternative field, economic, and fiscal assumptions. The assignment further involved training the Client’s team to use the model.

Uganda, Upstream Market Entry:

The Client’s sought to expand its footprint to Uganda, in view of imminent FID on Lake Albert upstream development. The client required an overview of Uganda’s upstream framework as well as existing and future opportunities, in terms of assets and local partners. The Client further required regulatory guidance for market entry and Joint Venture incorporation.

Kenya, Market and Entry Strategy Study:

To grow in the Kenyan fuels industry, our Client required a comprehensive understanding of the market. The Client was particularly interested in the country’s retail and wholesale market and the Dealer-Owned Dealer-Operated (DODO) fuel retail model.

We drew on various resources including local partners, desktop-based data gathering and verification, and a fact-finding mission in Kenya to meet the data requirements of the study. We used in-house resources and expertise to refine and analyse the data to fully meet the study objectives.

Our report and recommendations assisted the Client to evaluate organic and external growth options in the Kenyan market.

Sub-Saharan Africa, Downstream Country Reports: We produced country downstream oil and gas report as well as a comparative study of pump price structures. These reports were for various Clients and they covered country;

  • Political and Economic Context
  • Downstream Sector Organisation
  • Downstream Regulatory Environment
  • Petroleum Product Pricing
  • Demand Analysis
  • Refining and Supply Analysis
  • Logistics and Distribution
  • Competitive Landscape

Southern Africa, Viability of a Fuel Import Terminal in Matola: The Client sought opportunities to leverage a coastal terminal and consolidate its position in the terminal’s southern African supply zone. The Client further wished to acquire and operate strategically located retail or midstream assets vis-à-vis the terminal.

Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and DRC, Energy & Power Sector Assessment:

We carried out a power sector study for a Norwegian power developer seeking to invest in eastern Africa. The Client sought to understand political and non-political influencers, power brokers and influence nodes in country power sectors. The Client besides needed to understand the institutional capacity and reputation of the relevant ministries and institutions drawn in to power sector projects.

Kenya, Due Diligence & Asset Acquisition:

The Client sought to acquire Dealer-Owned Dealer-Operated (DODO) fuel retail sites as well as petroleum product storage facilities at strategic locations in Kenya. We spent two months in Kenya scouting and assessing assets meeting the Client’s criteria.

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