Filing the FIA Annual Compliance Report

Filing the FIA Annual Compliance Report

Accountable persons are listed under the Second Schedule to the Anti Money Laundering Act, 2013. Notably among these are NGOs, Advocates, Casinos, Financial Institutions, Registrars of Land and Companies, licensing Authorities, among others.

The compliance reports should be submitted to the Authority by the 31st day of January 2021 as per Regulation 45(2) of the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, 2015.


  1. Annual Compliance Report in word format which should be emailed to
  2. Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) attachments;
    1. Copy of the AML/CFT policy and procedures
    2. Copies of AML risk assessment of customers, products, methods of delivery and geographical location of customers
    3. Copy of the independent audit report of the compliance program (2019) Suspicious transaction reports


Before filing, we recommend that institution s should have the following in place;

  1. A Certificate of Registration from the Financial Intelligence Authority.
  2. A money laundering control officer.

TASLAF Advocates remains committed to answering questions regarding anti-money laundering legal compliance as well as offering legal assistance in filing the Annual Compliance Report.

TASLAF Advocates is the pioneer provider of specialist practice services in Uganda. Our core practice department, all offer targeted all-round wholesome legal services to entities in oil and gas, energy, natural resources, construction and infrastructure.